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Supportive Voices
"HB 1188 gives those who are directly affected by these projects a "VOICE" that cannot and should not be overridden by the governor!"
Michele Kiesz, Executive Director, Rural Voices Action
"If you believe wind power is essential for a green energy future, support HB 1188 to reduce negative impacts on rural counties hosting this industry."
Sue Lani Madsen, President & Founder, Washington Rural Environmental Network (WREN)
"The Washington Association of Counties signed in SUPPORT of HB 1188. I agree. Local voices are critical to energy choices."
Al French, Spokane County Commissioner and Architect
"House Bill 1188 is a vision for our family futures. As a 4th generation Rancher, I want to preserve our way of life that continues the American spirit."
Michael Schmidt, Eastern Washington Rancher, Realtor, Community Volunteer
“As renewable energy projects continue to reshape rural Washington communities, it is essential that that the citizens and counties have final a say in what is happening in their own backyards.”
Andy Juris, Farmer
"A deed does not entitle you to call the land your own. It’s a contract with God that allows you to be the caretaker for the future."
Clark Kagele, 4th Gen. Farmer, Odessa