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Supportive Voices

  • "HB 1188 gives those who are directly affected by these projects a "VOICE" that cannot and should not be overridden by the governor!"

    Michele Kiesz, Executive Director, Rural Voices Action

  • "If you believe wind power is essential for a green energy future, support HB 1188 to reduce negative impacts on rural counties hosting this industry."

    Sue Lani Madsen, President & Founder, Washington Rural Environmental Network (WREN)

  • "The Washington Association of Counties signed in SUPPORT of HB 1188. I agree. Local voices are critical to energy choices."

    Al French, Spokane County Commissioner and Architect

  • "House Bill 1188 is a vision for our family futures. As a 4th generation Rancher, I want to preserve our way of life that continues the American spirit."

    Michael Schmidt, Eastern Washington Rancher, Realtor, Community Volunteer

  • “As renewable energy projects continue to reshape rural Washington communities, it is essential that that the citizens and counties have final a say in what is happening in their own backyards.”

    Andy Juris, Farmer

  • "A deed does not entitle you to call the land your own. It’s a contract with God that allows you to be the caretaker for the future."

    Clark Kagele, 4th Gen. Farmer, Odessa